Tales from the Scales: ScrapWare Blog

What’s happening in the world of scrap recycling—and what’s around the corner?

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Scrap and Metal Markets Impacted by War in Ukraine

Scrap and Metal Markets Impacted by War in Ukraine

Nearly three months since its onset, the war in Ukraine is continuing to impact U.S. metal and scrap prices, according to industry experts.  U.S. imports of metals, primarily pig iron, have been halted or slowed down, causing demand and price fluctuations for...
The Growing Importance of Recycling E-Waste

The Growing Importance of Recycling E-Waste

The COVID-19 pandemic habits of the past two years have had more people using more electronic devices for work, education and entertainment from home.  This growing use of electronics, while critical to maintain our activities from home, has a downside: a...
Demand for Aluminum Scrap Metal Driving Value

Demand for Aluminum Scrap Metal Driving Value

Numerous factors have contributed to aluminum scrap metal demand and the increase in aluminum scrap price. Disruption of the aluminum supply chain from Russia is one current factor, as Russia normally provides about 6 percent of the primary aluminum that U.S....